Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Tuesday Project

Before and after pictures of my de-cluttering that I did today. Hurray! I hate that my desk gets like that, but it was fairly easy to clean up. I actually do have spots for most of my stuff, I just don't put it there. I'm going to very slowly get to where I do. I put away a ton of papers and wiped off the desk and dusted and it feels so good. That binder tucked in the corner is where I put all my important info--scrapbooking assignments, contact info, that sort of thing. Maybe tomorrow I will tackle the table next to my desk. It's already piled with school info, but I was proud of myself and I didn't move any of my computer clutter over to the table.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Tuesday Project

Yesterday I went through my hanging clothes and got rid of a ton of things. You should see the pile of stuff! So, that is one good thing. I've been working on getting the rest of the house in order. This morning I actually cleaned the bathroom. Hummm, suddenly I feel like going to Arctic Circle (if you haven't heard their ad campaign, it's basically, "Do something completely ordinary? Reward yourself). Good thing Melissa and I have a lunch date to go tomorrow. ;)

Monday, September 8, 2008

Yeah, poor neglected blog

See, I told you this probably wouldn't work (why do I suddenly feel like Grover in The Monster at the End of the Book?). So, intrepid homemaker that I am, I'm going to try something different.

Have you ever done Flylady? If not, check here out at flylady.com? She is a genius. If I could actually do her program, I would be a great homemaker. Anyway, I thought maybe it was time to start getting back on the bandwagon, so of course, if I blog about it, I may hold myself accountable.

Anyway, here's the plan
Monday--Weekly Cleaning (mopping, mirrors, that sort of thing)
Tuesday--An Organization Project
Wednesday--Office Day (Organize digital files, return emails, plan meals, make grocery list, clean out fridge)
Thursday-Errand Day (Xander to piano lessons, grocery shopping, library)
Friday--Another clean up day (clean out car, purse, bags, work on projects)

Ok, I will report back. Maybe.