Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Tuesday Project

Before and after pictures of my de-cluttering that I did today. Hurray! I hate that my desk gets like that, but it was fairly easy to clean up. I actually do have spots for most of my stuff, I just don't put it there. I'm going to very slowly get to where I do. I put away a ton of papers and wiped off the desk and dusted and it feels so good. That binder tucked in the corner is where I put all my important info--scrapbooking assignments, contact info, that sort of thing. Maybe tomorrow I will tackle the table next to my desk. It's already piled with school info, but I was proud of myself and I didn't move any of my computer clutter over to the table.


J said...

My desk is notoriously messy. It's so stressful when it gets super cluttered, but it ALWAYS ends up that way :(

Laura Lynn said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm addicted to thrifting too - so fun!

Frugal Home Designs said...

Doesn't that just make your feel good. I love when I get an area like that under control. My problem is keeping it that way :)

Sarah AKA The Thriftress said...

I'm sure you feel so much better now! Looks great.

elizabeth @ twelvecrafts said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one whose space sometimes takes over itself! :) Doesn't it feel great to have it organized? Too bad my doesn't usually stay that way for too long.

Sarah Larsen said...

I'm totally motivated now! :) Thanks for stopping by my blog! I look forward to reading yours!

Val said...

You insprired me to clean off my desk area....= )

jess@balancing the dream said...

pretty fantastic!! I need to do a lot of "de-cluttering" in my house!!