Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Starting a New Blog

I hate to cook. I'm not sure why. It seems like a lot of work for something you're just going to eat--funny how I don't feel that way about making cakes. Weird. I'm pretty much Queen of the Freezer. If it can be cooked in the toaster over, I'm all for it!

This is a blog to keep all my recipes that are tried and true, and to give my kids proof that I can cook. I love that I'll be able to search the blog, add ingredients easily to my grocery lists and that I can access them anywhere that has internet. Maybe I'll be able to plan my meals more easily and I may cook more. I wouldn't bet on it though. Probably a risky move.

1 comment:

J said...

I'm the same way. I loathe cooking. Should be fun to follow your blog!!